APMM9 – Exploring Printmaking – Mondays 9:30 – 12:30


APMM9 – Exploring Printmaking
Mondays @ 9:30 – 12:30  Starts August 5.
Teacher – Cheryle Yin Lo
Come and learn different printmaking techniques and making textures and images with monoprinting, collagraphs and relief printing (lino) and learn to make a print edition.
Suitable for beginners and experienced printmakers.
Materials list will be sent by email to students once booking is made.
This can only be purchased by members. If you are a member, please log in. Or register first by purchasing a BMCAC Membership, BMCAC Membership – General Membership + Potters Group or BMCAC Membership – General Membership + Print Making.


APMM9 – Exploring Printmaking
Mondays @ 9:30 – 12:30
Teacher – Cheryle Yin Lo
Come and learn different printmaking techniques and making textures and images with monoprinting, collagraphs and relief printing (lino) and learn to make a print edition.
Suitable for beginners and experienced printmakers.
Materials list will be sent by email to students once booking is made.